Builder Booth (motorcycle exhibition)


1Booth 36,000Yen<税込>

● 2 staff persons path
● Power 500w pay ki
● It becomes the 10.5 square meters of frontage 3.5m × depth 3m.



Vendor booth (product sales)


1Booth 43,000Yen<税込>

● 2 staff persons path
● The power is not on. Please add application if necessary.
● It becomes the 10.5 square meters of frontage 3.5m × depth 3m.



Pinstripe booth


1Booth 20,000Yen<税込>

● 2 staff persons path
● The power is not on. Please add application if necessary.
● It becomes the frontage depth 2m × 2m.


● Booth We are planning the largest booth 350.

※ 500W power supply is included only builder booth.

※ exhibition vehicle, please be sure to 0 l the amount of gasoline in the booth.
※ Please is to provide the equipment such as title signs, other's logo. <I use a thing of the flame always>
※ power to 500W, you can not use the projector.

◎イス一脚 500円
◎テーブル 2,000円(テーブルサイズ・180cm×45cm)
◎パンチカーペット黒 1ブース3m×3.5m 21,000円(こちらで施工いたします。)

※ Precautions
It becomes the purchase price With regard to the punch carpet.
Please take us after the event for that. (Punch carpet can be used repeatedly.)
Disposal fee will be charged 3,000 yen separately if you can not take away.

Statute of the exhibition

※ Please observe the following exhibitors trader.

1. Exhibitors all suppliers will only carry the day before.

2. possible exhibition, please do not protrude into the frame only booth in exhibition trader was determined.

3. I hope the loading by pressing by hand not apply engine upon loading.

4. If set to 0 liters of gasoline always exhibit vehicle, engine start-up in the venue is prohibited

5. We do therefore the logo Listings website, please send it after attachment by e-mail logo.

6. Sale of food or drink at the booth the day of the event is prohibited

7. 500w power supply comes with the builder booth, but your skill in the art will please report in advance capacity exceeding it.
If used in excess, because it will block power outage in the booth of the venue, I hope in a capacity that does not exceed the 500w always.
Trader, your gun will do the application in advance power must be in the booth builder other than.

8. It does not take any responsibility for the trouble inside the venue exhibits such as damage, failure or accident by any chance (such as bikes). Accident upon loading is similar.
※ I do not take any responsibility for accidents and also problems of natural disasters.

9. 全てのブースにおいて壁などしようしてディスプレイする場合、隣りや裏側の方の事を考えて、ベニヤなどがむき出しにならないように、黒幕などでの処置ご配慮を必ず行ってください。

10. Smoking, please was where it was decided. Smoking ban in the booth

11. You will be sent off forcibly If you do not abide by the terms and venue manners.

12. And carpets (all things) to be used for exhibition, panel such that you use everything flame.

13. エントリーのキャンセルは開催日から30日以前の物には返金をいたします。それ以外の場合キャンセル料金が発生いたします。
※ In the case of withdrawals due to reasons of force majeure due to accidents or terrorism to natural disasters, accidental, it does not refund the events exhibit price, refund of the ticket price.

14. Change and compliance with regulations
Organizer, when there is a compelling reason, you may want to change its bylaws and rules this. Stakeholders and exhibitors trader, must comply with the bylaws and rules this.

※ I follow the above-mentioned agreement, parties, please apply and exhibit art.